Service Availiable For Special Education in Shri Mahadew Jee Ram Adhar Divyang Teacher Training Center Audhari Math Sikhari, Ghazipur (U.P.)

Service Availiable
The Service offered by the organization includes medical integration ,
Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy speech and audio logical
intervention , psychotherapy, behavior modification along with
educational activities.
the service are offered more at the centre level in comparison to the
community based programmed .
People come to us from rural and urban area to renew clinical and
educational service from rehashed professionals . The purpose of the
organization is to provide total care education, training and
rehabilitation service to children and aduls with various disabilities.

1. Special OPD and Therapeutic Service –
When a child with disability comes to the institute he/she gets enrolled
under special OPD Service of institute. After a details assessments of
individual with disability by trained professional , He/She either get
admission in school /Hotel or is advised for further consultation and
therapeutic services.
The service in special OPD includes prosthetics & orthotics,
Psysiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Therapy, Audio logical
intervention, Psychological Management and medical intervention.

2. Awareness and Consultancy –
Spreading Awareness in the society on the requality of rights ,
Capabilities and potentials of presons with various disabilities.
the associations shares its expertise with institutions or
organization seeking guidance an istabhishing disability service,
and also provides training to the trainers from such institutions.

3. Educations –
Special school of the organization functions from 10 AM to
4:00PM in every warming day .Children with hearing impairment , cerebral pasy, autism and
multiple disabilities attend regular activities of the special school.
apart from this children with various disability have been given
opportunity to get education in inclusive education setails .

4. National Trust Niramaya helth Card Schemes.
the Service offers by the organizations under the national trust
includes Niramaya health insurance scheme for the welfare of
persons with autism, Cerebral Palsy ,
Mental Retardation and multiple disability.This scheme is
provided free of cost . The propose of the organization is provide
health insurance cover of upto Rs. 1.0 lakh.

5. Campus –
Since the organizations also works in the are of health and famility
planning , hence we oraganise 4-5 health campus every year at
different places . we also provide guidance and counseling
services to the parants ofter a shot assessments of their wark.

6. Hostel Care services –
Hostel Care service are offened to those children with disabilities
who either come pan for off places or orphans. Most of these
Children come from poor families , which cannot afford to pay
hostel expences for their children . In Such Case , we contact and
invite people to provide spansership for the care and
rehabilitation fo these beings .

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